To do the Eagle Pose, you need to be strong and flexible, and have high endurance. You always need to be able to concentrate.

eagle pose



Name in Sanskrit: Garudasana
Difficulty: Medium


  • Stretches out and strengthens the calves and ankles
  • Stretches the shoulders, upper back, thighs and hips
  • Boosts concentration
  • Improves balance


Avoid doing the eagle pose if you have knee injuries. You should only perform the leg position described in the Beginner’s Tip section.



Stand upright in the Tadasana pose. Bend the knees slightly and raise your left foot, shifting your body’s weight to your right foot. 

Bring your left thigh to cross over your right thigh. Your left toes should point to the floor. Push your left foot back and wrap the top of the foot around the lower half of your right calf. Balance in this pose.


Reach your arms straight out in front of you, and allow your shoulder blades to spread across your back. Move your right arm over your left arm so that they cross at your elbows. 

Now, bend you elbows, keeping your right elbow snug in the crook of your leg elbow. Raise your forearms so that they are at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Your palms should be facing outward, the back of your hands touching


Wrap your arms further by moving your right hand towards the right and your left hand towards left passing your right thumb in front of your little finger on your left hand. 

Do this until your palms are facing each other and press them together as far as you can. Lift your elbows and stretch your fingers to the ceiling.


Hold this pose for 15 to 30 seconds then gently unfold your arms and legs returning to the Tadasana.

Repeat this using the opposite arms and legs and hold for the same length of time.

How To Do The Eagle Pose (Garudasana)


Beginners usually find it hard to wrap their arms until the palms can touch. To make this easier, reach your arms straight out in front of you, holding the ends of the yoga strap

Proceed with all the other instructions in stage 2 above, keeping the strap pulled tight. Beginners also find difficulty in hooking their raised-leg foot behind the planted calf while balancing on the planted foot. 

Another option is, instead of trying to hook the raised-leg foot, you can press its big toe against the floor to help keep your balance.


Since beginners usually find it difficult to balance in this pose, you can perform in standing in front of a wall. This way, the wall can help support you while you’re learning to maintain balance.


Usually when you’re in the full pose, your thunbs will point outwards. To deepen the eagle pose, press the mound of the thumbs of your upper hand into your lower hand turning the tips of your thumbs to point directly at your nose.

Amanda Frier, a certified Power Yoga teacher living in the dynamic city of Sydney, Australia, has embarked on an inspiring journey of dedication and empowerment through the practice of yoga.

Her story, characterized by her commitment to sharing the transformative power of Power Yoga, showcases the profound impact one can have even without the spotlight of social media influence.