The name ‘Easy Pose’ can be deceiving. Everyone who to practice this pose and likes to sit in a chair will have a difficult time performing it.



Name in Sanskrit: Sukhasana

Difficulty: Easy


  • It relaxes the brain
  • It flexes the ankles and the knee
  • It gives strength to the back


Those who have knee injury should not perform the pose.




With a thick blanket folded into two, make a support to be as high as six inches. Then sit near the edge of the brace and extend your legs forward to the body over the floor while you are in the staff pose, also known as the Dandasana.


Put your shins over one another and make the knees wide. Then slip one foot at time under the other knee while bending the knees. Bend the legs near your body.


Let fee relax for a while so the exterior edges stays comfortable over the floor, while your inner arches falls comfortably under the other shin. Notice how the folded legs resemble that of Sukhasana especially as you look downward seeing a triangle. The shins you crossed and the thighs form the three sides.

Confuse not this seated posture with other postures that are classic, where the ankles are placed near your sitting bones. When performing the Sukhasana, the gap within the two feet and the pelvis should be comfortable.


Achieve a neutral position for sitting your pelvis. To achieve this, push the hands over the floor and carry the sitting bones a bit off the blanket. Hang in there for some seconds, and gently bring the sitting bone down over the support (the blanket).

Make the tail bone and the pubic bone balance. They should be at equidistant away to the floor,


You could lay the hands in the laps with the palms up, or you could stack your hands over the knees, with your palms facing down. Extend the tail bone to the floor, press the scapulas against the back and to the upper body.

Don’t do too much arching of the lower back. To end it, poke the front of the lower ribs to the front.


Sit or stay in this pose for as long as you can. As you go further, learn to regularly change the legs you cross. As a rule, on days that are numbered even, place your right shin to the front of your left, while on the odd-numbered days, change to left in front of right.

Similarly, split the time you spent in the pose into two and choose which leg will be forward or backward for the first half of the period. The second will take the other half.

How to do the Easy Pose (Sukhasana)


The space between your back and the wall while you’re sitting shouldn’t be nearer than the yoga block’s length. Wedge the block’s end within the wall and the lower scapulas.

Katty Linsky, a certified Restorative Yoga teacher based in the vast landscapes of Russia, has dedicated herself to the art of yoga.

Her journey through yoga, particularly the gentle practice of Restorative Yoga, has been a transformative and enlightening one, rooted in a deep passion for holistic wellness and a commitment to sharing its benefits.