The Bound Angle pose is among the best poses which opens the hip. It is act in as opposition to cardio (that is any thing related to the heart) and chair-crunched hips.



Name in Sanskrit: Baddha Konasana

Difficulty: Easy


  • The pose will invigorate the organs in the abdomen, ovaries. It extends this benefit further to the bladder, kidneys, and prostrate gland.
  • It brings vitality to the heart of performer and enhances the overall circulation in the body.
  • It makes the inner thighs and knees and groins to stretch.
  • It helps to moderate depression and fatigue and anxiety.
  • It comforts during menstrual pain and sciatica
  • It eases the symptoms related to menopause.
  • It serves as a form of treatment for flat feet, infertility, asthma, and high blood pressure
  • When a students practice consistently far into pregnancy, this is believed to make childbirth easier.
  • According to traditional texts, the pose destroys diseases and fatigue.


Those who have knee or groin injuries should ensure they use a blanket below their outer thighs as a support.



While sitting, make sure the legs are straightened to the front, pushing the pelvis over the blanket, especially if the groins or hips are too tight.

Breathe out and fold the knees, carry the hells up, near the pelvis and lower the knees outward to the sides. Push the feet’s soles firmly together.


Move your heels nearer to the pelvis as close as you can comfortably go. Use your first and the second finger, together with the thumb to hold your big toe of each of your foot.

Ensure always that the feet’s outer edges are kept firm over the floor. If you cant do this because it seems impossible, fasten each hand on the same-side shin or ankle. 


Sit. And the pubis in the front and the tailbone in the back stay at the same distant away to the floor. This will make the perineum to be nearly parallel against the floor, while the pelvis will be in a somewhat neutral position.

Press the scapulas and the sacrum over the back and extend the front body between the head of your sternum.


Don’t bring your knees down forcefully.  To avoid this, bring down the tops of your thigh bones to the floor, and stretch back your legs to their real and previous position. 

How to do Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)


Beginners might find it difficult to bring knees to the floor. To solve this, those with very high knees and their back rounded, should ensure they sit on tall support.

The support could be a foot or so high from the floor.


First you need to understand how the head of the thigh bone is released to the floor. To understand this, fold and arrange two blankets under the outer thigh, one blanket under each thigh. Support the thigh at an inch beyond the limit of their stretch. Now arrange a sand bag about 10-pound over each of the inside of your groin.

Make it parallel to the wrinkles among your pelvis and your thigh. Bring the heads of the thigh far from this weight, then let them go deeper into the folded blankets. The bags, if the thighs aren’t supported, aren’t advisable.


With a partner, it will be easier to enliven your inner thighs during the pose. Start the  Baddha Konasana. Tie a strap on each groin, ensuring the free ends lead from the back of the body away.

Let the person sit behind, pulling over the straps (this should be perpendicular towards the thigh lines). The partner should push one foot lightly over pelvis back simultaneously. Bend forward, and release the tops of the bones of the thighs far from the tied strap.


Breathe out and bend your body forward through the space within he knees. Don’t forge to push forward, starting from the hip joints.

Note: this shouldn’t be your waist. Fold your elbows and press then over your inner thighs or your calves. Again, this shouldn’t be the knees. To rest your head comfortably over the floor, put a block on forward edge on the seat of a chair.

Katty Linsky, a certified Restorative Yoga teacher based in the vast landscapes of Russia, has dedicated herself to the art of yoga.

Her journey through yoga, particularly the gentle practice of Restorative Yoga, has been a transformative and enlightening one, rooted in a deep passion for holistic wellness and a commitment to sharing its benefits.